5kg sorghum Flour


Our sorghum is harvested from the southern parts of Ethiopia where there is a magnificent natural richness of fertile land. It is processed in our plant at a high standard.

Traditionally, this gluten free flour has been used to create pancakes, porridges, beer and flatbread. Sorghum is high in dietary fibre, protein and iron. ... It can be used as a direct flour substitute in just about any recipe, or blended with starches, other gluten-free flours.

At Mesob you will find organic sorghum right from Ethiopian farmers. Whether you want to mix it with teff flour for injera or for other use cases you will find mesob sorghum rich and fresh.

Sorghum is an underrated, nutrient-rich cereal grain. Half a cup of uncooked sorghum (100 grams) provides (3Trusted Source):

Calories: 329
Protein: 11 grams
Fat: 3 grams
Carbohydrates: 72 grams
Fiber: 7 grams
Sorghum is also a good source of the following micronutrients:

vitamin B1 (thiamin)
vitamin B6