2kg Porridge Flour
Yegenfo Ehil
Yegenfo Ehil/Nay Ge'at Ekli (Porridge flour) is made of a mixture of different cereals. They are slightly processed with water and fire in our plant with a careful composition to yield a smooth and very friendly taste for all ages.
Habesha's porridge is notorious for being heavy that once you have it in the morning you will be stuck with it throughout the day. Of course, white flour (furno duket/fino) is to be blamed for that.
Mesob Porridge flour is basically made from oat flour as main constituent followed by barley and many other important cereals that boost the taste and health factors. Our ingredient includes Oat, barley, Pea, red lentil, beans, white sorghum, wheat and chickpea.
The product is normally intended to make Habesha porridge but it can be used to make bread as well because it is made with a mixture of multiple cereal flours.
Our mix has a very wide health benefits as it is composed of at least seven cereals.
We guarantee you with smooth, light and unique experience with our porridge flour. Enjoy Genfo / Ge'at with our porridge flour.
Oats, Barley, Pea, Red Lentils, Sorghum, Wheat and Chickpea