3kg Beso
Besso/Tehni is one of the brilliant recipes our culture offers. You cannot have enough of it even if you eat it every day at breakfast. It is a barely product which is lightly processed with water and fire. It is thoroughly washed and lightly fried to be consumed in different forms.
It can be consumed as a drink by mixing it with water and honey or sugar as it has an outstanding flavour and taste. It can also be consumed as firfir, tihlo or other use cases.
The fact that it is ground as whole grain also make it very commendable for our health. Few among many: it helps you lose weight, improves Digestion, lower cholesterol and reduce heart disease risk.
Make a healthy and tasty choice for you and your children. Instead of boring them with corn flex use mesob Beso/Tihni as credible alternative for breakfast or quick meal.
Do you know we charge less than half the price of the current market price?
100% Barley